We are thrilled to be featured in Forbes regarding the future of lidar in the automotive market.
The latest Yole Group report on “LiDAR for Automotive” reveals exciting insights into the booming lidar market. With an estimated revenue of $332M in 2022, the market is set to soar approximately 15 times by 2028, reaching a staggering $4.7B/year. Hesai (NASDAQ: HSAI) emerges as a dominant force, leading the L4 robotaxi market and making impressive strides in the L2/L3 ADAS applications.

Hesai is determined to increase its market penetration for ADAS and L3 autonomy in consumer cars worldwide. Its miniaturized form factor, low power consumption, and behind-windscreen mounting make us an attractive choice for automotive OEMs seeking superior perception and safety.

The full article is available on the Forbes website. Click here for further insights.