PandarView 2 & PandarView: The Hesai Lidar Viewers

PandarView 2 and PandarView are two point cloud visualization tools for Hesai lidars; both are capable of displaying and recording point cloud data.
PandarView is based on the open source Paraview code base.
PandarView 2 is a Qt-based software fully self-developed by Hesai.
Figure 1: PandarView 2
Figure 2: PandarView
Both PandarView 2 and PandarView support the following functions:
  • Visualize real-time point cloud data;
  • Record .PCAP files for playback and analysis;
  • Retrieve point cloud correction files;
  • Export one or multiple frames to a .CSV file;
  • Select one or multiple frames from an existing .PCAP and save them to a new .PCAP;
  • Play or pause .PCAP files, change the playback speed, or jump to a specified frame;
  • Display the detailed information (such as azimuth, distance, intensity and timestamp) of selected data points in a spreadsheet view;
  • Show or hide the point cloud data from each return.
  • Show or hide the point cloud data from selected laser channels.
  • Adjust the colormap according to azimuth, corrected azimuth, distance, elevation, channel number, or timestamp.

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